Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The set of devices TMP-K is designed to be placed in the TMP thermostat and is used to determine the corrosion effect on a copper plate in accordance with GOST ISO 2160, GOST 32329, GOST 6321 and GOST 2917.

The set of devices TMP-K-6321 is designed to determine the corrosion effect on a copper plate in accordance with GOST 6321 using a thermostat TMP.

A set of VT20-4K devices is designed to accommodate samples of asphalt concrete or oil bitumen in the VT20 thermostat for testing in accordance with GOST 12801, GOST 11501, GOST 33136 and GOST 11505.

The set of CRYO-VT-04-K devices is designed to accommodate samples of asphalt concrete or petroleum bitumen in the CRYO‑VT‑04 thermostat for testing in accordance with GOST 12801, GOST 11501, GOST 33136 and GOST 11505.

A set of BNTI devices-05-04- K is intended for placement in a liquid bath BNTI‑05‑04 and is used in determining the low-temperature characteristics of petroleum products and organic chemical products in accordance with GOST 20287 (method A), EN 23015, ASTM D97 and GOST 18995.5.

A set of BNTI devices-05-04- 2K is designed to be placed in a liquid bath BNTI‑05‑04 and is used to determine the maximum temperature of filterability of diesel and furnace fuels at the PTF installation in accordance with GOST 22254, GOST R 54269 and GOST EN 116.

A set of BNTI devices-05-04- 3K is intended for placement in a liquid bath BNTI‑05‑04 and is used in determining the low-temperature characteristics of petroleum products in accordance with GOST 20287 (Method A), EN 23015 and ASTM D97.

A set of BNTI devices-05-04- 4K is designed to accommodate vessels with samples in the working baths of the BNTI‑05‑04 bath when determining the low-temperature properties of petroleum products, if appropriate test vessels are available. Suitable for placing vessels with samples for GOST 20287 (Method A), EN 23015.

A set of CRYO-T devices-05-01- K is designed to be placed in the CRYO‑T‑05‑01 thermostat and is used in determining the low-temperature characteristics of petroleum products and organic chemical products in accordance with GOST 5066 (Method B), GOST 22254 and GOST 18995.5.

A set of CRYO-VIS-T-05-K devices is designed to be placed in CRYO‑VIS‑T‑05 and CRYO‑VIS‑T‑05‑01 thermostats and is used to determine the low-temperature characteristics of petroleum products and organic chemical products in accordance with GOST 5066 (Method B) and GOST 18995.5.

The set of devices GOST 5066 method B is designed to be placed in the CRYO‑T‑05‑01 thermostat and is used to determine the turbidity temperature and the beginning of crystallization of motor fuel in accordance with GOST 5066 (method B). A set of CRYO‑T devices is additionally required for testing‑05‑01‑ K.

The set of devices GOST 20287 method A is designed to be placed in a liquid bath BNTI‑05‑04 and is used to determine the flow temperature of petroleum products in accordance with GOST 20287 (method A). For testing, additional sets of BNTI devices are required‑05‑04‑ K and BNTI‑05‑04‑ 3K.

The set of devices GOST 20287 method B is designed to be placed in the CRYO‑T‑05‑01 thermostat and is used to determine the pour point of petroleum products in accordance with GOST 20287 (method B).

The set of devices GOST 20287 method B is designed to be placed in a liquid bath BNTI‑05‑04 and is used to determine the pour point of petroleum products in accordance with GOST 20287 (method B).

The set of devices GOST 20287 method B is intended for placement in liquid thermostats CRYO‑VIS‑T‑05 and CRYO‑VIS‑T‑05‑01 and is used in determining the pour point of petroleum products in accordance with GOST 20287 (method B).

The set of devices GOST 20287 method B is intended for placement in liquid thermostats CRYO‑VIS‑T‑06 or CRYO‑VIS‑T‑06‑01 and is used in determining the pour point of petroleum products in accordance with GOST 20287 (method B).

A set of GOST 18995.5 devices, consisting of two test tubes, is designed to be placed in a CRYO‑T‑05‑01 thermostat or in a BNTI‑05‑04 bath. It is used in determining the crystallization temperature in accordance with GOST 18995.5.

The set of devices EN 23015 (ASTM D97) is designed to be placed in a liquid bath BNTI‑05‑04 and is used to determine the turbidity or fluidity temperature of petroleum products in accordance with EN 23015 and ASTM D97. For testing, additional sets of BNTI devices are required‑05‑04‑ K

A set of GOST 9454 devices is designed to accommodate 18 metal samples in a low-temperature liquid thermostat CRYO‑T‑05‑01 when testing them for impact strength in accordance with GOST 9454.

A set of GOST 5960 devices is designed to be placed in a low‑temperature liquid thermostat CRYO‑T‑05-01 and is used to determine the brittleness temperature of polyvinyl chloride plastic by express method in accordance with GOST 5960. BNTI Stand-05-04- P is designed for installation under a liquid bath BNTI-05-04. Provides additional convenience during testing. The wheels make it easy to move the bathhouse when needed.
The set of devices CRYO-VT-01-2K is designed for thermostating samples of asphalt concrete or oil bitumen in the thermostat CRYO‑VT‑01 (without contact with the coolant). It is used for testing in accordance with GOST 12801, GOST 11501, GOST 33136 and GOST 11505.
A set of CRYO-T devices-05-01- K is designed to be placed in a liquid thermostat CRYO‑T‑05‑01. It is used in determining the low-temperature characteristics of petroleum products and organic chemical products in accordance with GOST 5066 (Method B), GOST 22254 and GOST 18995.5.
The set of devices GOST 11851 method A is intended for placement in the BF bath and is used in determining the mass fraction of paraffins in oil in accordance with method A GOST 11851.


All TERME'KS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant TERME'KS: equipment for the determination of viscosity and density, for the analysis of oil and petroleum products, metrological equipment, universal and specialized laboratory equipment, exhaust and general laboratory cabinets, tables, accessories
  • Submersible thermostats TERME'KS
    Submersible thermostats
    M01M, M11, etc.
  • Dry-air thermostats TERME'KS
    Dry-air thermostats
    TSV-01, TSV-02, etc.
  • Liquid thermostats TERME'KS
    Liquid thermostats
    VIS-T, VT-ro, THERMOTEST, etc.
  • Cryostats TERME'KS
    CRYO-VIS-T, VT-ro, TSV-02, etc.
  • Density meters TERME'KS
    Density meters
    VIP-2MR, etc.
  • Flask heaters TERME'KS
    Flask heaters
    KN100, KN250, KN500, KN1000, etc.
  • Octanometers TERME'KS
    OKTAN-IM et al.
  • Signal converters TERME'KS
    Signal converters
    TERCON et al .
  • Determination of the limit temperature TERME'KS
    Determination of the limit temperature
    PTF , etc .
  • Determination of molecular weight TERME'KS
    Determination of molecular weight
    KRION-1 and others.
  • Thermometers TERME'KS
    LT-300, LTI, ExT-01, etc.
  • Laboratory baths TERME'KS
    Laboratory baths
    BSA-400, LB, BNTI-05-04, etc.
  • Refrigerators, coolers TERME'KS
    Refrigerators, coolers
    BIOTEST, A160, A300, etc.
  • Fume hoods TERME'KS
    Fume hoods
    SHVMK, SHVDGN-311, etc.
  • Laboratory cabinets TERME'KS
    Laboratory cabinets
    SDR, SHL, SHL, etc.
  • Laboratory tables TERME'KS
    Laboratory tables
    SL, SV, SP, etc.
  • Sets of devices TERME'KS
    Sets of devices
    TMP-K, BNTI-05-04- K et al.
  • Accessories TERME'KS
    BR-01T, THERMOTEST-100-P, etc.


The company TERMEX (Tomsk) was established in 1989. Over the years of the company's existence, a number of liquid thermostats have been developed to meet the needs of petrochemical laboratories and general laboratory applications. Work is constantly underway to develop precision temperature and density meters for liquids, models of which are used at enterprises in our country, near and far abroad.

    The company uses advanced methods of design and production management, modern technological equipment and components from the best world manufacturers.

    The availability of unique technological equipment and first-class specialists allows us to produce non-standard equipment for solving specific tasks.

    All devices have a carefully thought-out, intuitive user interface and are accompanied by well-illustrated documentation.

Information Board TERME'KS

Learn more about our products TERME'KS.
  • Price list for products of the plant TERME'KS
    Price list for products


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